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  • Julia Rose, CXO, Spring Spell

    “To roll out a secure version of our app, we opted for Frondeur Labs’s VAPT services. The team immediately took charge and was able to identify, report and assist our company in fixing the vulnerabilities in no time. For organizations looking for customized cybersecurity solutions to improve their security posture, Frondeur labs is who I recommend.”

  • Deepak Ashwani, Founder, Koshaa

    “The team is really flexible to design customized solutions for our interconnected challenges. We were also glad to experience such an active response from the team to adapt with our project changes. Once your needs become clear, Frondeur Labs will jump on creating a unique experience for your team.”

  • From Our Team
    • “My internship at Frondeur Labs was a transformative experience, offering amazing mentorship, diverse project opportunities, and a supportive, engaging work environment.”
      Deekshith S A, Intern, Dr. AIT
    • “The team’s expertise and the innovative environment greatly enhanced my skills. Frondeur Labs’ commitment to cutting-edge technology and professional growth is truly commendable. I highly recommend their internships for anyone…
      Shimna Manoharan, Assistant Professor, BMSIT
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