Course Duration – 30 hours

Who can benefit from this course?

  • Students (irrespective of their domain)
  • IT Professionals
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Professors/Teachers
  • Accountants
  • Law and Government officials



  • Glossary
  • Basic Cryptography
  • Cryptographic hash functions
  • Hash pointers and data structures
  • Digital signatures
  • Encryption

Bitcoin Mechanics

  • Centralization vs Decentralization
  • Distributed Consensus
  • Bitcoin transactions
  • Bitcoin blocks
  • Bitcoin network
  • Bitcoin Scripts
  • Applications of Bitcoin Scripts
  • Bitcoin Improvement Protocols (BIPs) – Limitations and improvements


  • What is mining
  • Purpose and function
  • Task of bitcoin miners
  • Incentives and strategies
  • Mining pools
  • Mining hardware
  • Security

Key Management

  • Securing your wallet
  • Importing and exporting your wallet (private key)

How to store and use Bitcoin

  • Hot and Cold storage
  • Multisig with Bitcoin
  • Exchanges and online wallet
  • Trading overview


  • Bitcoin platform and API – Bitcore
  • Insight for Bitcore

CryptoCurrency ecosystem – altcoins

  • Overview of few cryptocurrencies
  • Currency exchange markets


  • What is anonymity
  • Bitcoin Mixing
  • Tor and the Silk Road


  • Legal issues around Bitcoin
  • Anti money-laundering
  • Regulations on Cryptocurrencies

Intro to Ethereum smart contracts

Getting Started

  • Ethereum and Solidity Recap
  • A Starting Example
  • The bank contract

Hands-on Development

  • Installing Dependencies
  • Project Structure
  • “Hello World!” (Greeter) Contract
  • Truffle Init

Connecting to the Real World

  • Attaching Frontend
  • Web3 api
  • Create-react-app
  • Truffle Migrations

Finishing Touches

  • Javascript Console
  • Contract Interaction and Final Questions

Advanced Dapp Development

Greeter Review

  • Git clone if needed
  • Testrpc window, npm install/start window, truffle migrate, EthereumSetup.js
  • Truffle console and final product
  • How to fetch chain state
  • What is the web3 api
  • What is a contract abi?
  • Why do I have to change the address every time

Web3 API

  • Pulling information from the blockchain
  • Modify greeter app that uses web3 to retrieve:
  • Wallet address
  • Balance (BigNumber note. Have people try to get as decimal and fail)
  • Latest block number
  • Latest block timestamp
  • Latest block hash
  • Gas price

Developer Tools I: MetaMask and Deployment

  • Metamask Chrome Setup
  • Communication between your browser and your blockchain
  • Sending and Signing Transactions
  • Live deployment to Kovan testnet
  • Live deployment to Ethereum Mainnet


  • Welcome & Introduction
  • Discovering Blockchain Technologies
  • Introduction to Hyperledger
  • The Promise of Business Blockchain Technologies
  • Technical Requirements
  • Introduction to Hyperledger Iroha
  • Introduction to Hyperledger Indy
  • Introduction to Hyperledger Composer
  • Introduction to Hyperledger Sawtooth
  • Introduction to Hyperledger Fabric